Daycare Cape Town
Although we are eager to get back to school and grateful for the opportunity to provide job security for our beloved staff, our number one priority is the health and safety of the children we have in our care.
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Although there has been discussion about the reopening of schools in South Africa from the 1st of June 2020, there is little clarity regarding the basic education sector which includes day care and edu-care centres.
Kay-Dee Educare Centre in Cape Town would like to bring awareness to the situation surrounding COVID-19 and how it affects our children.
In commitment to keeping our children out of harm’s way, we have chosen to share information regarding how the virus affects our children, as well as additional safety tips to prevent further spread.
Kay-Dee is one of the preschools in Southern Suburbs of Cape Town that focuses especially on early childhood development. We continue to strive to be one of the best educare centres in Cape Town and we would like to take this moment to be grateful for everything that helps us realise this dream.
The first five years of your little one’s life are the most important years of child development. It’s safe to say that these years are what define the rest of your child’s growing and adult life.
Having a child is one of the most beautiful blessings anyone can experience, but with it comes a well of responsibility and putting energy into early childhood development is easily the most important thing any parent can do.
An important area of focus during the stages of early childhood development, is the positive reinforcement of good behaviour.
In essence, we teach our children how to behave through how we respond to their behaviour. Therefore, it’s important to understand which behaviours deserve attention and which should be ignored.
Pre-primary school, also known as Grade R, refers to the year of schooling just before Grade 1.
The purpose of pre-primary school is to start the development of emotional, social and learning skills in the early stages of childhood.
This early childhood development builds a sturdy foundation for further education and skills development throughout a child’s schooling career and even into adulthood.
When it comes to choosing the right daycare in Cape Town, there are certain factors that you can look at before making your final decision.
Knowing what to look for in a daycare will help you make the best decision for your child. Regardless of how much time your child will spend at daycare, you still want them to be at the best centre possible.
All of us at Kay-Dee Educare Centre in Cape Town are faced with the bitter sweet experience of watching our precious little ones grow up as we watch another year come to an end.
As we start our preparations for season festivities, gift wrapping and family time, we reflect back on 2018 with happy and grateful hearts.
In the past, particular emphasis was placed on the development of one’s IQ rather than EQ, also known as emotional intelligence.
However, over the years and after many important developments in psychology, it has been discovered that nurturing your child’s emotional intelligence has far greater benefits in the long run.
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