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Educare Preschool

Recognising Developmental Delays and Disabilities in Children

There is no schedule or timetable for how all children should grow. In fact, there is a huge amount of variance in the pace that each child develops at.

A classic example of this is the age at which babies start to walk. Some babies start to walk at the age of 9 months where others only take the first step at the age of 15 months.

In both of these cases, the babies are within the range of typical development and this is completely normal.

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Why do children walk on their Tippy Toes? Is it reason to worry?

Toe walking is the act of walking on the toes or ball of the foot and is often seen in very young children. Most children toe walk at some point during their childhood, however, they will normally outgrow this by the age of 5.

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Positive or Negative Reinforcement, and Does Punishment Work?

The word reinforce is used to describe the strengthening of an object or concept. In child psychology, reinforcement refers to a kind of interaction between you and your child that will foster or increase the chance of them behaving in a certain way.

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ADD and ADHD - What you need to know about Attention Deficit Disorder

It’s time to talk about Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder– a disorder becoming more and more prevalent among children today.

Attention-deficit disorder (ADD) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are both disorders that affect one's ability to focus.

however, there are slight differences between ADD and ADHD.

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Separation Anxiety - How you can help ease your child's anxiety

Separation anxiety is brought on when your little one doesn't feel safe.

Any event that might have made your child uneasy, whether minor or traumatic, can cause separation anxiety disorders in children.

Some parents will immediately recognise the cause of this uneasiness, in other cases, it won't be so obvious.

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The Truth about Sugar and Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

The new year has started and healthy living is on everyone's agenda after the holiday season.

With healthy living in mind for your children, we at Kay-Dee Educare in Mowbray think your child's lunchbox is a great place to start.

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Festive Greetings from Kay-Dee Educare Centre Mowbray

As the year ends and we all prepare to take a small break its time to reflect on 2016.

This year has been a long and prosperous one for Kay-Dee Edu-Care Centre Mowbray, it has seen us go from strength to strength and with the end of the year in sight we are feeling immensely satisfied with our accomplishments.

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An After School Program with Early Childhood Development at Heart

Finding an aftercare school that understands the needs of your family, can make a huge difference when it comes to managing work demands and the general stresses of life.

Good after school care should also provide a secure environment, one where children are given the freedom to be creative, while offering them a structure perfect for early childhood development.

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Extra-Mural Activity Benefits for Early Childhood Development

There is no doubt that extra-mural activities such as sports and club activities, teach children important life lessons.

Extra-mural activities also have health benefits because kids playing sports are more active, they develop important muscle groups, and they spend more time out of doors, which in turn encourages more creativity.

When a child is exposed to a variety of extramural activities, they begin to develop various skills and understandings, including vital life skills such as learning to swim or how to catch a ball.

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Give your child the best early childhood development possible

Experience has shown us that a person’s life; their successes, health and emotional well-being have their roots embedded deeply in early childhood development. We know that if we get it right in the early years, we can expect our little ones to thrive throughout school and their adult lives.

Nature, in other words genetics, nurture, and the environment that we provide for our children, influence a child's development. A child’s early childhood environments and the appropriate experiences are crucial to the way each child’s brain structure develops.

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